Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Exercising suuuxxx

The worst thing about exercising is that I feel like I'm working really hard and not getting any results. The way my abs, arms, and legs feel right now, I feel like I should look like Jillian Michaels from the neck down already. I just want to be ripped in 30 already DD:
Also, I really wish I could talk to my mommy. She always gives me the best advice and I really need it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 3: Booooo

Okay, so I'm a little dissapointed in myself today. I didn't the healthiest dinner but it wasn't too bad, and I skipped out on my exercises ): But I'll just not skip Saturday like I planned on it. Eating well gets sooo hard when I go eat at the caf with my friends because there's nothing healthy there but salad and nobody wants to eat a salad for dinner everyday. I'll get the hang of it though.
I'm getting reeaallyy excited for the outdoor club I joined. We're getting t-shirts and maybe fleeces, and were planning on some awesome trips. I've already signed up for four. I signed up for rock climbing, cave diving, camping, and this other one where we watch a dangerous kayaking race then camp out afterwards. How amazing does that sound ?!? I'm so happy that I'm having a lot of fun here, but I do miss home a lot and I definitely can't wait to go home for Fall break in a little over a week!!
The only thing I don't like here is homework, but I'm doing a great job of keeping up with homework and doing it before it's due, which I'm super proud of. I just hope I can keep up with all this for long D:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 2 (con't)

These are my inspirational/encouraging notes I left for myself and my roommate!

 And the workouts I found that I taped to my desk.

This is what medicated ADD does to a person...

Day 2: A new week!

Today was my weigh in day and I LOST FIVE POUNDS :D
I have been doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 DVD but I ended up only doing it for like 3 days cause I go lazy, and I have been on a 1200 calorie diet which I've been doing very well on keeping. But because I fell off the exercising wagon I'm starting the DVD again along with some ab exercises I found on
So with this I will have my cardio, strenght, and a huge focus on my abs. I have also taped a lot of workouts to do every day, on my desk. I posted some inspirational messages on my wall, and one on my mirror for my roommate and I. 
Long story short, I'm insanely proud of myself and my dedication to eating well and exercising and I can't wait for everyone to notice the difference (:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 1: Blog Creation

My name Kenzie Epps, I am a Freshman at Mars Hill College. Many of my interests include film photography, digital photography, books, outdoor activities (white water rafting, rock climbing, hiking, camping, etc.), and as of recently, exercising. I am new to the blog world so wish me luck!
My first post is dedicated to what this blog is going to be about, and why I named it what I did.
First, I would like to say what this is about. This blog, which is my very first real blog ever not including tumblr, is going to be about my new college life. I'll post about the ups and downs of homework, classes, boyfriend, friends, working out, eating right, etc. I will try my hardest to post every day, but if I can't do that it will be at least every other day.
Second, I will tell you why I'm calling it "Skinny College Girl." The reason behind this title is because most of what I'm going to post will be my journey to losing weight. I was inspired by multiple health and exercise blogs like, and Unlike these blogs, I will also post about college life outside of my quest to be fit.
I'm really, super excited about this blog and I really, really hope you guys like it!! (:

By the way, this is me!