Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's been awhile!

I'm not doing too good with this blog thing, but I guess its good so no one gets tired of my blogging (:
Anyway, I've been doing relatively awesome with eating healthy, besides fall break but it wasn't TOO bad. The exercising though is not good, I really need to find a gym buddy for after class so I can build the energy to go with my roommate at 6am D:
I have some new goals for myself, not related to healthy eating and exercising. My new goals are, one, to be friendly to at least one stranger everyday. This is because I find myself not easily making friends that aren't made for me, and I think it's time I start making friends on my own. My second goal is a long-term goal. I want to get a job next semester, save up all my money for the next three and a half years and then once I graduate I will move to London, England and teach. I will keep moving to a different country until I find love! This sounds like a silly goal because I could possibly find love before that, and if I do then I'll just take my love with me and we'll settle down wherever we like the best. If that's here, then great, but I would definitely LOVE to travel to England, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and France.
Well, it's time to go to class ): Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog, it means so, so, so much to me!

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