Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I love you guys!

I'm in such an appreciative mood today. Don't get me wrong, I am appreciative each and everyday but today I feel like it has to be known!
There are SO many people who have helped me become who I am today. Without that group of people, even if it was short just one person, I would not be in this college, sitting at this desk, writing in this blog, or even having the dreams that I have.
Without my mom, Aunt Katie, both of my sisters, Aunt T, my cousin Elana, Aunt Donna, my grandma (RIP), Nanny (RIP), Patty, Aunt Beth, my cousin Brittany or any of the women in my family, I wouldn't be the young woman that I am today. Whether or not I was close with them, or only knew them for a short time each one taught me something different. Some may have taught me more than others, but it was still taught. These things are the things that I will carry with me for the rest of my life and eventually pass on to my daughter(s) and the younger girls in my family. All these things also apply to all the other ladies in my life who aren't blood related, but are definitely my family. Rhi, Marette, Heather, "Auntie Jen," Jen Chapman, and a billion more that my brain is leaving out on accident. I can't even fathom the daughter, sister, cousin, or person in general I would be today if I didn't have each and every one of these amazing ladies to guide me.
Without my dad, I wouldn't be as tough as I am today. Even though he's been in the Army all my life and he's been deployed every other year, except for the past couple of years, for as long as I can remember I'm still a daddy's girl and I know that I'll always be his princess. I know what type of father I'll want for my kids in the future because of him, and because of my cousin Corey who hasn't been a dad long but is very obviously a great one. I am so thankful to have the dad that I have.
Without all my teachers from high school, like Mrs. Kessler, Mrs. Hackett, Ms. Lundy, Mrs. Thayer, Ms. Burke, Ms. Rios, Ms. Stackley, Mrs. Bendel, Ms. Jenkins and Mrs. Rich, I wouldn't be so driven. They taught me everything I know and more. Not only in reference to their subjects, but also when it comes to being a good person. Because of them, I know what a good teacher is like so that I can be the best teacher possible, myself. They never gave up on me when I was ready to give up on myself, they pushed me and gave me opportunities one after the other until I ended up where they were trying to get me, which was here in the college of my dreams. I wouldn't be the student and future teacher that I am and will be.
Without my best friends, Aly, Bella, Jessica, and Dillan, I wouldn't be the friend and person I am today. These girls will always be tied for number one on my list of friends. Each and every one of them have been there with me through different and awkward stages of my life and still stuck with me. I've tried my best (and hopefully succeeded) to be there for them whenever they needed me because there is no doubt they have all been there for me when I needed them. We may be far apart from each other, and we may go days without talking but there is no one that could replace them.
I know I mentioned my sisters with the ladies in my family, but I wanted to mention them more specifically. I can't even begin to think of what I would do without my sisters. There were times in my life that I wished I was an only child, but thinking back that was stupid! My sisters are two of THE most important people in my life. They are my built in best friends. Being away from them is terrible, but the time I had with them was the greatest. Always having someone to talk to right there, someone who always understood you no matter what, it's amazing and I have that times two! I can't forget my brother, Brennan, he's just a baby but just having in the family is lucky. Along with my cousins Emery, Irie, and Arleigh who are also just babies but I hope to be a sister figure for each of them. I wish I could be home to watch Brennan, Emery, Irie, and Arleigh grow up, and help Reilly through high school the way Cassidy helped me, but I'm doing the best I can from here. I love my sisters, brother, and cousins more than life itself and I am so blessed to have them.
Every single person I listed plays a very, very important role in my life. If I was missing even one person from that list of people, I assure you I would be a very different person, and I wouldn't want to be anyone else. So thank you, each and every one of you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I could not be anymore happy than I have been for the past few days.
I'm continuing to lose weight which is something that makes me so happy by itself.
But, on top of that, I met a really great boy. We have so much in common, he's very nice, and I'm really enjoying getting to know him. I've only known him for a little while but I just really like talking to him and just being around him. I don't like how shy I am though. I can talk about anything and everything when we're texting but in person I get nervous and for some reason can't think of anything to say. I'm not sure how to fix this, but I know it'll get better and I'm okay with that (:
I'm just really, really happy.
By the way his name is Anthony (:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's been awhile!

I'm not doing too good with this blog thing, but I guess its good so no one gets tired of my blogging (:
Anyway, I've been doing relatively awesome with eating healthy, besides fall break but it wasn't TOO bad. The exercising though is not good, I really need to find a gym buddy for after class so I can build the energy to go with my roommate at 6am D:
I have some new goals for myself, not related to healthy eating and exercising. My new goals are, one, to be friendly to at least one stranger everyday. This is because I find myself not easily making friends that aren't made for me, and I think it's time I start making friends on my own. My second goal is a long-term goal. I want to get a job next semester, save up all my money for the next three and a half years and then once I graduate I will move to London, England and teach. I will keep moving to a different country until I find love! This sounds like a silly goal because I could possibly find love before that, and if I do then I'll just take my love with me and we'll settle down wherever we like the best. If that's here, then great, but I would definitely LOVE to travel to England, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and France.
Well, it's time to go to class ): Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog, it means so, so, so much to me!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm baaacckkk!

I apologize for the lack of posts in the past couple of days! I have been so lazy lately D:
Just for a little update, I lost another 4 pounds so in the two weeks I have been trying to lose weight I have lost a total of 9 pounds :DD I'm very excited and I'm trying really hard to stay on track. After fall break I'm going to find a good workout schedule for me because I would rather use the gym than the Jillian Micheals thing because I don't feel like that's working for me.
Aside from all that, I finally got to talk to my mom yesterday! She gave me some mommy advice/comforting/just talking to. She helped me figure everything out that I've been having trouble with for a little bit. I miss being able to just walk into the next room whenever I want and tell her everything face to face. I don't like having to wait till I have free time, hoping she's not busy, and having to be over the phone. I also got to talk to Reilly and my daddy. I'm really glad to know that everything is going great over there, but I do miss being depended on even if it was a lot of work. I cannot, more than anything, wait to go home on Saturday and spend time with my family and my best friends, and get done what I need to do.
One more thing, I would like to dedicate this post to Jake Possinger because he told me that he checks my blog everyday to see if I posted something which meant a lot to me! Also, he called me the health expert. Jake is an amazing friend, and even though he can be a little a-hole sometimes he doesn't mean it in a bad way. And no matter what he is there to pick his friends up when they're down. "The Group" wouldn't be complete without our Jakey-poo (: